Concrete Slabs and Foundations

A slab, usually made of concrete, is a structural element that is useful for a variety of building purposes where a flat, horizontal surface is required. Examples of applications for concrete slabs include roof decks, ceilings and floors. Concrete slabs are generally several inches thick and are supported by beams, walls, columns or the ground. They play a major role in creating the foundation of a home. In this case, the slabs can be created at a location away from the site. On the other hand, they can be poured in-site using formwork. In the case when reinforcement is necessary, the slabs will be pre-stressed. In other words, they can be reinforced from an offsite location. On the other hand, the concrete can also be poured directly over rebars that have been installed within the formwork. Apart from foundation work, concrete slabs can be used for other things. For instance, patios, walkways and driveways can be created using concrete slabs. This is why there are so many different types of concrete slabs. At Marietta's Concrete Contractors, we can develop concrete slabs for your construction project. These are some of the several types that we can create for you.
Flat Slab
This is the typical concrete slab. Most of the time, these slabs are reinforced directly using columns or caps. However, never with the use of beams. The flat slab is very easy to construct and doesn't require a lot of formwork. Formwork is the process used to describe the creation of a temporary mould in which concrete is poured and formed. Formwork is mainly created using timber, but other materials like steel and glass fibre can also be used to craft one.
Conventional Slab
Conventional Slabs are supported with both beams and columns. The concrete load is transferred into the beams and columns. There are two types of conventional slabs; we have the one-way conventional slab and the two-way concrete slab. One-way slabs are supported by beams on opposite sides, so the concrete load is carried along in one direction.
Hollow Core Ribbed Slab
This slab is a lot less heavy than most of the other types of concrete slabs. This is because they have longitudinal cores running through it, thus decreasing the amount of concrete needed. They mainly function as service ducts. Hollow Core Ribbed Slab can achieve cover long lengths, making it a great option for office buildings and multi-story car park.
Solid Slab Raft
Solid slab raft is a reinforced concrete slab which is able to go across a wide area. Sometimes the whole perimeter of a building. It uses a number of columns and walls to spread the load imposed on it over a large area. It got the name because it is considered to float on the ground like a raft on water. It is used for buildings that are lightly loaded buildings built on expansive soild like clay.